
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Day 36 - Week 5 - Month 2

As you can see from my homepage, I finally uploaded my old posts. Now anyone can see what my tank was like from start to current state. For anyone wondering about what happened to my polyp rock, as it turns out the rock began to cure when they put the polyps on it, which caused and infection in the polyps and made them start dying. My local fish store, Caesar's Tropical Fish, gave me a full refund, with which I bought by green nepthea, and also threw in the smaller nepthea for free.
On to the new stuff. On Wednesday, the fish store finally got in a shipment of ocellarius, or false percula, clownfish, all of them between four and six months old. I got a pair of them, so that they can hopefully bond and mate some time in the near future.
Fun fact: All clownfish are born male, but, when put in pair, one of them will grow more dominant and become female, and then the pair of them will mate.
Yesterday (Saturday) I got a frogspawn for my tank. According to my local fish store and everything I have read online, they are extremely hardy corals that are great for beginner aquarists, like myself. The only problem is that they are really aggressive, so, as you can see from the photo above, I put the in a corner with the flow pushing against them, so that they will have a lot of trouble reaching their sweeper tentacles out across the tank to the other corals.
I'm planning on going to what looks like a really nice fish store down near Berkely this weekend, and maybe getting some nice zoanthids or mushrooms, so I'll post again then. Until next week,

Day 22 - Week 4

Day 18 - Week 3

Day 13 - Week 2

Day 8 - Week 2

Day 3 - Week 1

Day 2 - Week 1

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 29 - Week 5 - Month 2

This is my first ever reef tank, which I have set up in a 14 gallon Oceanic Biocube. It has 16 pounds of live rock and 10 pounds of live sand. I have added to the equipment that it comes with a 240 Hydor Koralia Nano pump, an Oceanic Protein Skimmer, and a Marineland Stealth Pro Heater. I have also placed a bag of Purigen and some filter floss (which I change every other day), above the Bioballs chamber. In the tank itself I have 1 yellow-tailed damsel, 7 reef hermit crabs, 1 scarlet hermit, 1 emerald crab, 2 turbo snails, 2 nassarius snails, 1 clump of cheatomorpha, 1 frag of sympodium, and 2 green nepthea corals.
I used to have a site, which I started when I first got this tank, that was also logging my progress. I will try to upload my old posts as soon as I can.